I started my journalism career in 1986 as a reporter at The Burlington (VT) Free Press, where I was the paper's environmental and science writer. You can find a sampling of some of my newspaper work on this website. Since our move to Norway in 2002, I've written for a variety of American, Norwegian and British print and online publications. You can find a more comprehensive list of that work here, but I've chosen a few of my favorites for the listings below.
A selection of recent and Favorite work
After 100 Years, Scientists Are Finally Starting to Understand the Mysterious Great Gray Owl: Fall 2016. The California population of Great Gray Owls numbers less than 200. The only way to really study them is to spy on them.
Published by Audubon Magazine
Green skies ahead: Norwegian wood may power tomorrow's air travel. July 2015
Published by Scientific American Worldview
Federal protection for Sierra Nevada frogs: Two species of mountain frogs – with bright yellow underbellies and large tadpoles the size of a Snickers bar – have won protection under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). October 2014
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Seeing fish: Sometimes you just need to look at things a little differently. That's what Steve Palmer did a few years ago and he began seeing fish in the cast-off materials of our consumer culture. 17 September 2013
Interlochen Public Radio
courtesy Alex Hyatt CSIRO
Climate change boosts lethal Hendra virus: Heavy rains and floods in Australia may have helped the deadly disease cross from bats to humans. And that has doctors concerned about climate change. 29 November 2011
Scientific American.com and Daily Climate
In Deep Water: Will Essential Ocean Currents Be Altered by Climate Change? Scientists are struggling to get a grasp on the huge volumes of water flowing through the world's oceans. 10 December 2009
Scientific American.com
Snow patrol: A writer and her family embark on a cross-country ski quest to see wild reindeer in a powdery, wind-swept Norwegian national park that nearly conquered one legendary explorer. Nov/Dec. 2008
Audubon Magazine
Seeing stars: Using pattern matching tools from astrophysics for shark conservation. Spring 2006
Conservation in Practice
The sheep that launched 1000 ships: In 1990, two researchers probing the roof of a 12th-century stone church in northern Norway made a remarkable find: stuffed in the gap between the roof and walls were the tattered remains of a 650-year-old woollen sail. 24 July 2004
New Scientist